Equip yourself with new skills and abilities
Building balance in your life is an essential key to thrive.
We all have to deal with stress at some point in life, whether it is related to your job or to personal life. Stress can drain out your energy and disempower your performance. When stress levels are high you are likely to present physical symptoms related to it.
But sometimes, stress can be , surprisingly, a positive thing when you know how to manage it.
Stress- You in control:
Mastering to manage stress is essential to live a balanced life. Together we will get there.
Identify the cause:
Identify the cause of a problem can be very challenging. A lot of the times we feel we don’t have one specific thing that causes the problem or that it is impossible to pinpoint its source. At other times we realise that the problem goes way back than what we thought. We will explore and find out the roots of your problems. Identifying and accepting it, is a key element of our journey together.
A safe environment:
A safe environment is a place where you know you will be heard and not judged. Where you have the freedom to talk and express yourself fully and authentically, without fear of being misunderstood.
Stress- you in control.
Feeling stressed is an invitation to change. It is a sign that you are out of alignment with yourself.
Stress is normally a product of different triggers, physical, emotional and/or social. Stress can be caused by one particular event or can be a sum of a lot of different things. Something that may feel very stressful to someone, may be a relieve to others. We are all different and respond differently to situations. Stress can also be cumulative, and you can find yourself becoming a loose cannel without even knowing how you got there.
Mastering to manage stress is essential to live a balanced life. Changing doesn’t need to be a huge cataclysmic event, in fact, the most empowering changes are about daily mindset shifts.
Be the one in control of your stress rather than let it control you.
It will be a pleasure to receive you in my office!